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Daily Inspiration: Meet Rob Oatley

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rob Oatley. 

Hi Rob, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I first began leisurely writing when I was very young, but I got really hooked into it when I joined the Unfiltered Lens newspaper in 2014, at the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI). This bi-weekly, student-run newspaper allowed me to not only be as creative as I wanted; but also allowed me to experiment with different writing styles. For instance, before I realized I wanted to start writing about music – I first wrote and published horror short stories. On a different note, I’ve always had a love for music. However, I did not think to put my passion for writing, with my love for music together until I was assigned to cover a story by my Editor for the newspaper. The assignment being to cover a show at the Met in Pawtucket, of the indie/alternative/emo band Balance and Composure; and summarize the experience. After getting quotes from fans at the show, pictures of the band performing, and writing down the set-list; I knew that this is what I wanted to do. 

After writing and editing for the Unfiltered Lens, I graduated from CCRI in 2017 and began studying English and Rhetoric at Rhode Island College (RIC). At RIC I joined the online community Odyssey to further pursue my interest in writing about music journalism, I adopted the name “Turnt Abel” and began writing about album reviews, concert reviews, music based-listicles, and artist interviews. Additionally, I also started an internship at the Warwick Beacon newspaper. 

Once I graduated from RIC in 2020, I knew that I wanted to continue writing for Odyssey, but I also wanted to branch out a little bit too. Thus, I started the Turnt Abel Podcast and began publishing music reviews, and artist interviews onto YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Apple Podcasts. 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road, but I mean how can you learn and grow as a person or creator if there aren’t challenges in the way? Some struggles that come along with the territory are obviously the pay (which is none), the work hours (all the time), and the constant commitment to deadlines. However, no matter what the struggle is, the reward of having someone read or listen to something I made is completely worth it. Granted, I am still learning and growing; so, there will continue to be different struggles along the way – but I’m very thankful to the friends and family that support me and my goals. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
When I’m not pursuing music journalism, I’m working at Beacon ABA Services as an Associate Behavior Therapist for children ages 2-7 who are diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. This role is very rewarding and fulfilling because I can see growth of these children firsthand, and know that I am making a positive influence on their lives. 

Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
A lot of things make me happy, so it’s difficult to choose just a few. Spending time with family, friends, and my dog Chloe fills me with happiness. I also feel extraordinarily happy when an artist is interested in doing an interview, or when someone reaches out with positive comments about my work. To no surprise I am obsessed with collecting records, so pouring over them at record stores, or listening to them, makes me happy as well. 


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Image Credits
Jeffrey Thropp

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