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Meet BlissBliss

Today we’d like to introduce to you to BlissBliss.


Hello, Lang and Renee. We appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
We had been touring, Renee as a background vocalist and Lang as a drummer, for other artists when we were first married. Shortly after getting married, Renee signed a record deal as a solo artist, and we found our schedules frequently taking us in opposite directions. We decided to figure out a way to combine our musical tastes and do our artistry. It was also our way of figuring out how to be together more! We signed a record deal with a label in Nashville, and our first single went to #1 on the CHR chart. It was the first #1 for the label. We thought to ourselves, “This is it! We’ve arrived.” Unfortunately, the label went under about 6 months later, but it was too late. We were committed to making our music. The budgets have been tight, and we’ve had to pay for everything, but it’s definitely been, and still is, a passion for us. We recently signed up with another label, Peacock Sunrise Records, and released our latest project, Horizons.

Would it have been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It has been a challenging road. The record industry doesn’t exist as it used to, and so it’s self-funded, marketed, booked, and promoted by the artist business. There are numerous opportunities, but the field is much more crowded because it is all independently driven, and anyone with a keyboard, phone, and computer can throw their hat in the ring. Once again, that’s great in some ways, but the music has become much less about “the music” and more about marketing and hype. In the past, we were driven by the music/songs alone, and that is still hugely important to us, but we are focusing as much and more on the message we carry now.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might need to be more familiar with what you do, what can you tell them about what you do?
We are musicians, singers, and songwriters. We love music and have always loved it since we were little kids. Renee grew up roller skating and listening to Motown, and Lang grew up listening to rock. His mom played classical piano, and he remembers hearing Debussy’s Claire DeLune and other pieces she would play on the baby grand piano in the living room. His stepfather played saxophone and loved swing music, so we grew up in atmospheres where music was a big part of what shaped and molded us. Those things are lost in the current environment of how kids are influenced by music and the lack of music programs in schools. It’s a left turn to the question, but in terms of what we do, it has informed our love for many different kinds of music and how we see what we do. We focused a lot on the songwriting details, trying to get the message right, the groove right, and the melody and harmony to affect the listener because we were so affected by it ourselves. We want our listeners to feel all the awesome things we think when we hear great music that affects us! We’re very proud of our latest album and how the songs turned out. An engineer from London mixed the album, and he’s mixed songs by Phil Collins, Bruno Mars, Tina Turner, and others, we loved the way he made these songs sound; they have an aggression to them that we love, as well as a very “song-favoring” mix approach.

What matters most to you? Why?
Our faith in God, in Jesus Christ, is the cornerstone of our lives and our music. As the years pass, He remains the only constant. Music, work, and money may come and go, but His faithfulness endures. This unwavering belief in something greater than ourselves infuses our music with a depth and meaning that we hope resonates with our listeners.

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Image Credits
Keoni Keur

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