Today we’d like to introduce you to Austin Witt.
Austin, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
This “band” actually started out back in 2018 under the name the midnight society, we started as a 3 piece we all met in the audio engineering class we were taking at the time which I wrote a song about a dryer one night and posted in our class’s group chat, then the drummer at that time wrote a guitar part for it and the former guitars offered to jump in to play. From there we got together and wrote 2 songs, one of which is currently a live performance on YouTube called “the reflection” after that we added a bassist to the group so we could start playing live, during that time our drummer decided to part ways because he wanted to work on his own music. During the time looking for a new drummer our guitarist decided to move back home. So our bassist moved to guitar and then luckily while I started a new job I found are drummer and bassist there.
After some time of practicing, we decided to change our name to “clear eyes” and we recorded and released a song titled the afraid, after that period our guitarist just ended up ghosting us and kind of sent the band into a path of just falling apart, then 2020 happened and it felt like it was over. After that I was determined to put music out still as I, myself, wrote a full album worth of music and wanted to share my stories, so I ended up getting connected with my friend from back home in Pittsburgh to help produce the music for me, so after some time and realizing there was another artist already releasing music under the name “clear eyes” I decided to rebrand myself fully as “Hope Consumed” and I currently have an ep out and a new single out titled “Thorns” streaming everywhere. Currently, I am working on finishing up an album and planning on finding new members to be able to get out and play live music
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It’s haven’t, between losing members and having to find new ones to get to a point of feeling like this was ending I really had to persevere and be resilient with myself to show that I wanted to continue even if it was just myself.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a Technical Expert at Apple, I really enjoy my job as I get to help people day in and day out, and that is really what the core of my being is, helping others to move forward. Besides that I also do a little bit of audio engineering on the side too, I love and enjoy that because it’s fun to hear others’ perspectives on the music they decide to create
What sets me apart is I’m willing to try and help and see different perspectives to help problem solve and maybe create a different solution.
What do you think about luck?
Honestly, I really don’t believe in luck per se as I really believe we can change ourselves if we have the determination to, funny enough I am writing a song called “hope” which talks about being able to change yourself.
I would say my life has had a lot of rod bumps from being homeless to losing a job and just feeling like I always have to overcome a lot, but I believe the testimony is has created shows a story of strength and steadfastness that translates into my lyrics.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://beacons.ai/hopeconsumedband
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/hopeconsumed
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@hopeconsumed