Today we’d like to introduce you to Frank Castellano.
Hi Frank, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I was born in Los Angeles. The Hispanic son of immigrant parents. I have always seen and experienced things as a child. An aunt and cousins had perished in a fire in LA and I witnessed their spirits appear at home after their passing without knowing who they were or what had happened. We had pets cross over and then I encountered them months later at home. Then a friend of mine from across the street invited me over to do readings for her and her family. I must’ve been like 15 at the time. This led them to read and give insight on cases in our local police department of Baldwin Park (she worked for them). I did that for a while at 16 and it got to be too much. So then I started to do some readings for a short period at Kindred Spirits in Claremont owned by Persis Newland (I still keep in touch with her a little on social media). Got a female stalker. Kinda scary.
Stopped doing readings. Graduated from high school and a friend of mine encouraged me to join the Army since I didn’t get accepted to college (or so I thought). Signed up and my first duty station was for the United Nations in Korea, Camp Panmunjum UNCSB-JSA. Did earth healing while I was there since it’s at the DMZ. Sent then to Fort Campbell. Did the earth heal again in Iraq? Had started readings at the metaphysical store called Body, Mind, and Spirit for the late owner Annette. Started my own store with my best friend Peggy who is now my assistant. Met my partner Ryan. Moved to Nashville. Worked doing readings and classes at Cosmic Connections. Then opened my own office.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, but it’s been fruitful I’ve had to face racism as well as homophobia. Also, the south is a very religious place and there are places that aren’t very welcoming to clairvoyant psychic mediums I’ve had to teach about emotional endurance.
Find my own truth around my identity and what I’m here to do. I help people see and learn their spiritual lessons and truths and not caught up in the outcome I’ve had to teach others about latinidad. And to practice self-care so that the energies I work with don’t overwhelm me.
My aunt was my mentor. She’s also a medium. I’m the 6th in line. But she’s in Arizona and I’m here so I haven’t had a mentor to navigate racism and homophobia on one side and loving kindness and compassion on the other
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’m a hereditary clairvoyant psychic medium
I help people understand their spiritual purpose, connect to their own psychic and intuitive natures, discover the lessons laid before them, and help them step into the most spiritually authentic life
My parents were poor coming to this country to give us a better life. I now own a thriving business with a wait time of 15 months by doing heart-led work. Working in loving kindness and authenticity has allowed God to open doors in my life to help people become more connected with life.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
with social media, the metaphysical world is booming. This is going to lead us to understand energy first and make this world a more conscious and aware place so that we more with the understanding that our thoughts, actions, and attitudes are more than just that. They truly are energy at work.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.TheSpiritChrysalis.com
- Instagram: Frank A Castellano
- Facebook: Facebook.com/frankacastellano
Image Credits
Ryan S. Gill
Angie Moreira Duarte
October 1, 2022 at 3:20 am
Frank I am truly happy for you and to have had you in my life during high school and went to prim with u.