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Community Highlights: Meet Emily Austin of Asulon Collective

Today we’d like to introduce you to Emily Austin.

Hi Emily, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I recently launched a craft coffee catering business combining the two things I’m passionate about: coffee and connection. I grew up in a small town on a hay farm in Florida with my family close by. There was so much open space to roam and dream – it was where I first experienced a feeling of refuge. The farm was my safe space. Since childhood, I remember being entrepreneurial and caring deeply for people. I was often outside working on projects with my Papa. Even though I started working at age 15, I struggled with knowing exactly what I wanted to do. But, while studying hospitality and event management, I began to dream of owning a coffee shop. I also remember thinking in this season that I’d love to live in Nashville one day without having a specific reason why.

In my final semester of college, I was both living at and helping run a non-profit coffee shop as part of a semester internship to develop community programs for non-profits. While there, I learned so much, and I continued working as the program manager after graduation. That experience was valuable but very challenging; after a year, I was burned out. It felt like my dream had died too. Little did I know this business had started being deeply woven into my soul.

Almost seven years ago to the day as I write this, I began a new life in Tennessee. I fell in love with the diverse community and culture of Nashville; I appreciated how a bigger city could still have a small-town feeling. Most of my professional career has been spent in program management. Many steps have been taken in faith, some felt random at the time, but I’m beginning to see how the pieces connect. No matter where I’ve been, the common thread has been creating relationships, caring for others and connecting with people (often over a cup of coffee).

My passion for coffee and people continued to grow and early in 2020, I decided to actively pursue this vision – to create a place of refuge centered around a great cup of coffee. Despite the fears I faced, and through a lot of prayers, preparation and perseverance, I launched Asulon Collective on August 28, 2021. The dream is to one day turn my coffee cart into a local shop. I dream of creating a space that feels like home where people can experience belonging and where relationships can thrive.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Goodness, yes and no. I underestimated the amount of internal work launching a new business would require. By that, I mean I’ve wrestled through a lot of pain, insecurity and fears. Being naturally inclined to hard work, it’s been easy for me to get caught up in “hussle culture.” However, after experiencing the negative effects of burn-out early in my career, I knew I had to learn how to set boundaries if I was going to be able to healthily steward a business and hopefully one day, a family too. I’ve intentionally worked hard to break out of the hustle mentality the last few years. Instead, I’ve learned to rest. Rest is not passive in this case but an intentional release of things outside of my control. In this, I have found a new grace and ease to things.

Something really daunting about the business planning process was the thought of “you don’t know what you don’t know.” This forces you to figure it out and find a way. I found some days were encouraging and others incredibly frustrating. (I still have so much to learn!) However, I also discovered that there are a lot of great resources available in the community. As I became more willing to ask for help, progress happened. Taking the first steps was the hardest. Embracing the process has been a challenge but necessary. Perseverance and patience are good companions in development.

Obstacles and anxiety have come, but I’m learning to pause when they present themselves. The more I move forward, the more my “courage muscle” has grown; fear hasn’t left, but I continue to choose not to operate from that place. I’m learning even in the questions, doubts and struggles to see this as an adventurous ride! Experience is a teacher like no other. There’s nothing like doing the thing – whatever it is!

We’ve been impressed with Asulon Collective, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Asulon (pronounced us-oo-lon) is a Greek word that means refuge. Asulon Collective caters craft coffee and conversation to foster deeper connection. I believe cultivating connection helps relationships thrive and ultimately builds stronger communities. That’s why the focus right now is cultivating connections through craft coffee!

I have a big vision, but I’ve started with a coffee cart offering different service packages. Your friendly neighborhood coffee cart is available for catering pretty much any kind of event you can think of; bringing craft coffee directly to you! The coffee cart options include either an espresso bar with specialty drinks, drip coffee bar or cold brew bar. Custom options are also available to provide the best service for each event.

I want to ultimately provide an environment to help others experience community. Right now, one way I do this is by not just serving craft coffee but also by offering each person a unique conversation card to foster connection. Engaging in conversation with someone new or even a good friend can sometimes be uncomfortable; I want to help others go from feeling uncomfortable to having an unforgettable experience!

I’ve launched a few products like mugs, glasses, a togetherness tray and a connection kit to help others create a communal coffee experience. There are more plans in the works for 2022! I’d love for you to join me on this thrilling adventure; to dream big in the face of uncertainty, to hope in the face of despair, and to find refuge in the midst of distressing times… together.

Life’s better shared and so is coffee!

How do you define success?
One official definition of success says “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.”

I see it more as operating in your purpose, regardless of the outcome. Your presence has impact and you were created on purpose with unique giftings that no one else has – no one else is you!

I think we are given many different invitations in life to engage with what our purpose is. It can come in different forms in different seasons. The question is will we live activated in our purpose?

Plans change, and I aim to live each day open-handed. Despite the many goals I have, I’m looking at success right now as being in the right place, at the right time and with whomever I’m supposed to be connected to in order to bring loving refuge into their lives.

I hope to inspire others to take a step towards their own dreams linking arms together for those who might be discouraged or disappointed, to walk forward into hope, purpose and joy!

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Daniel C White Amanda Law Brandon and Bradley Rodermond Mackenzie Loughead

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