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Conversations with KG Woodall Morgan

Today we’d like to introduce you to KG Woodall Morgan.

Hi KG, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
I consider myself a Nashville native even though I moved here when I was 8 years old. I am originally from Gainsville, Florida but my father grew up here and moved us back for his career. I graduated from the University of Tennessee in 2016 with the hopes of going to medical school.

For two years after graduation, I worked 3 days a week as a medical scribe in Orthopedics while bartending nights and weekends downtown. I eventually was offered a job managing restaurants with M Street. They own Kayne Prime, Saint Anejo, Tavern, Whiskey Kitchen, and Virago. This allowed me to spend more time focusing on studying for the MCAT instead of running back and forth between two jobs. In 2019, I took the MCAT for the 3rd time, a week before Nashville shut down for COVID. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a high enough score.

Thankfully, I was able to spend quarantine in deep reflection of what I was going to do next. I returned to work as a hospitality manager but I knew that was not where I wanted to be forever. By the end of 2020, I bought my own house in Madison, TN which has been one of my own big financial goals. As I walked through this process, I found it very intimidating and thankfully I had a great Mother walking me through it as well as a dear friend who was my realtor.

It wasn’t until February of 2021 I had quit my job as a hospitality manager and for six months, I worked as a personal assistant while I got my real estate license. I passed my test in September of 2021.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
I wish I could say it has been a smooth road it would have saved me many tears and heart-brake. For a very long time, I saw myself as a doctor. I sacrificed a lot of time with my family and friends while studying and volunteering for my application. I thought that the way I was going to add value to this world was by sacrificing my life’s special moments for long hours in a hospital.

In a child-like way, I thought it was going to be like “Grey’s Anatomy.” Not getting the MCAT score I needed was a very difficult reality to face. I saw my life going one way yet God had something very different planned for me. I had to face the consequences of being a workaholic. I since then have spent a lot of time saying no to many jobs because they were not a good fit or because they took away from time with my husband and family.

These struggles have been so important in my professional growth because now when I make decisions in my own business I am making decisions that are best for me and my family. Whereas, before I was a people pleaser who made insecure decisions that lead me to be an inconsistent leader.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a realtor in the greater Nashville area working with EXIT Realty Elite in the Gulch.

I became a realtor because I believe real estate is one of the many ways people can build wealth for themselves and their families. In particular, I have a strong passion for helping women gain financial freedom, this is something my mother instilled in me as a financial planner. Before she passed, she was adamant about real estate as a form of wealth.

I recently joined a group called Real Estate InvestHer’s. With this group, my goal is to help women realize their potential and I can do so by providing an honest partnership to these women as they build their own assets in real estate.

We love surprises, fun facts, and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
Something most people don’t know about me is that I majored in Food and Science. Meaning, I spent most of my college career in labs creating formulaic recipes and learning organic chemistry.

If I had taken the career of a Food Scientist, I would have ended up in a lab working for a company like Hein’s or Kellogs. I love math and the sciences. This is a huge asset to me in real estate when it comes to running comparables and addressing the bottom line.

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Image Credits
Kurt Ozan

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