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Daily Inspiration: Meet Jessy Nicole

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessy Nicole.

Hi Jessy, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
One of my earliest memories of music was being in the backseat of the car and my mom put on, “Don’t know why” by Nora Jones. I remember being sad at the time and she looked back at me and said “Let’s learn the words to this song!” hoping to distract me and cheer me up. We sang it together learning line by line and whatever I was sad about was far in the rearview. I was only 5 but I remember music and lyrics being therapeutic even at that age.

My grandma was in a band called The Little Sisters back in the 50s and I was always so inspired by that. She had a little Casio keyboard that she gave to me, It didn’t have a classic piano sound but I used to play with the beat maker and write songs for as long as the D batteries would last haha.

Flash forward to October 2020 and I wrote, recorded, and released my first single, “Day by Day” on Spotify, shot a music video, and even performed it live at Austin City Limits music venue! I had to push myself to put aside my fears and to stop second-guessing myself but it felt incredible to be on stage and release music. I knew after that, this was something I needed in my life so here we are, and just I put out my 4th single, “Lovesick!!!”

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Well, I used to get made fun of for wanting to do music and singing in my teen years. I had released a CD with one lil’ song on it and I was so proud of it. I even sold some for $5 a pop but then it took a dark turn and kids began to make fun of me and play it while laughing to taunt me. I actually ended up moving to a new school and thought I’d gotten away from this but some big dweeb got ahold of it and it started all over again, and somehow worse. I’d literally get drivebys with kids blasting it and laughing.

They’d always say “Relax Jess, it’s just a joke!” But it really made me feel like I wanted to shrivel up and go away, and quit music altogether. It made me question myself like I should have never released any music. It’s honestly something I still battle with today but I don’t want that to stop me anymore. When I put out Day by Day, I knew certain people were going to make fun of me and that’s exactly what happened but I was able to brush it off a lot easier now because I don’t respect the opinion of someone like that anymore and also because I’m really freakin proud of my songs! No way anyone’s shaking that for me. Sorry for venting, lol. Phew

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Well, my name is Jessy, and I’m a singer I like to think I’m known for the 3 songs I have released so far! I do everything on my own, I’m fully independent, I even took my new single art photo using my phone on a ladder, while holding a fake cake I made out of spackle haha. When I have had help it’s been from some of my best gal pals and my boyfriend (what a dream it is to have that kind of support). I do as much as I can on my own, I usually thrift my outfits for my music videos, photo shoots, etc.

The same goes for the props and furniture I use in them. I’ve always loved thrifting, flea markets, yard sales, and all those places where you can find the coolest, most unique clothes and things! It really works out for me to find everything I need in that way because I don’t have a fancy budget or anything like that. I think it goes to show that with enough passion and creativity, you can make magic right in your living room.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give credit to?
Definitely my boyfriend, Etienne, he’s encouraged me to keep going and put myself out there. He’s also a producer so he’s been able to help bring my songs out and get them to really amazing places! My parents are also very supportive and if you ask them who my biggest supporter is, they would argue and say they both are #1, so PSA: don’t ask them that question… haha.

My friends have also been very supportive, and it’s really meant the world to me to have them show up for me by helping with shoots, giving me feedback, reposting my songs, and especially just sending me encouraging texts and cheering me on. I don’t know if they or anyone understands how impactful it is when someone is encouraging and kind, it’s just really, really freaking nice and keeps me going. Last but not least, Remy, my dog is always there when I’m writing, she licks the tears off my cheeks and jumps around my living room with me when I’m listening to a new mix. She always listens to my music and smiles, sometimes she even barks while I’m singing to try to make it on the track as a background vocalist.

Anyways, I am so proud of my new song “Lovesick” which came out on March 17th and I hope everyone is loving it as much as I do!

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Image Credits
Etienne Bowler and Mallory Quinn

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