Today we’d like to introduce you to Kramer Deans.
Kramer, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Who am I? Good question, I am someone who enjoys craft beer from Stouts to Märzens. I love the science and creativity that goes into every sip of liquid gold from the malt to the finish when you sip that beer. I want to document my journey and hope to bring black people to appreciate craft beer like I do.
I can talk about how I would be the only black face in a brewery but we know that already. Most black beer drinkers understand this sentiment so I won’t repeat it. I do want to talk about another reason why I love craft beer. I feel accepted. I feel complete. I feel balanced. I am in a world of black beer drinkers that nerd out on the same things I do, BEER! I don’t have to hide or feel the imposter syndrome weighing down on me. I am in a world that I can create and build for myself.
I am The Beerded Brotha because I want other people to find a world where they can be their true selves. I am the Beerded Brotha because I want to show my journey, growth, and something I love and appreciate. I am The Beerded Brotha because it’s just fun!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I had to work and learn a lot to get where I am today. I think you are a liar or extremely privileged if your journey was not difficult. That difficulty was something I embrace daily because I am growing and learning from it everyday. I see the benefits daily.
The most difficult thing is being taken seriously in this space. When you are Black and into Craft Beer, you can feel isolated in this space. There isn’t a lot of representation so people are new to you as you are new to craft beer. There is sometimes this level of having to prove yourself to people for no reason even if you have more credentials than them. I don’t let that stop me. I create the space I want to be in and connect with people who truly want to see me grow in this space. I have also learned to create your own luck because you can’t rely on people or things to work in your favor.
I am a Black craft beer enthusiast that wants to create opportunities and true diversity in the craft beer community through conversation and education. I am most excited about being able to see people have that “ah ha” moment when they sip a beer for the first time when they didn’t know much about beer prior.I am starting to specialize in talking and educating people about beer so they can get a full understanding of what Beer is about and that there is more to beer than people realize. I am known for making good food pairing recommendations with certain beers like buffalo wings with a good lager to help cleanse the palate and emphasize the wings flavor or heat level.
The thing that sets me apart is the same thing I am proud of, which is my ability to find the way to connect with people in a genuine manner and support them without asking for anything in return. I have found that I have the best experiences with people when we can connect and understand each other to create something great.
- Hosting/Emceeing – $100 per event
- Instagram – $40 a post/ $35 per story
- Recipe creation/Brewing process help – $150
- interviews/food pairing/b-roll content – $100
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Image Credits
Ashley Olds
Alex Photography