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Exploring Life & Business with Jennifer Bourne of Jennifer Bourne State Farm

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Bourne.

Hi Jennifer, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself
Originally from Allentown, PA, I moved the south when I was 16 to care for my ailing father. He was an entrepreneur so I guess I come by it honestly although at that time I had dreams of becoming a doctor and traveling around the world doing mission work.

I felt obligated to help out with his then failing business since he had become incapable. That was the start of my shift in career paths. It took me way longer than it should have to but myself through college but I did it while working more than full time and caring for my dad.

I was proud of the fact that other than a couple of small scholarships I paid for every penny myself. Unfortunately, I did not graduate with a degree in something I was passionate about.

My servant’s heart, love of children, animals, the outdoors, and passion for the environment and exploration were not fulfilled as an accountant. It was what at the time I thought made the most sense but left me feeling empty, especially after my dad’s passing. Being a business owner came with challenges especially when I became a mom. A supplier actually told me that he was cutting off my credit limit because “You can’t seem to decide if you want to be a mom or a business owner and you can’t do both”.

I of course proved him wrong and tripled my sales that year. He apologized as I caught tadpoles in a stream behind my business with my son. Several years later after becoming a single mom, I exited business ownership in order to provide more stability for my children. Paul and Abigail are my motivation to be my best, to persevere over any and all obstacles, to never give up. My children are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am humbled by the people they have become. We are extremely close and have been by my side through everything.

I am a big believer in leading by example so in trying to help my kids grow into the people I felt God wanted them to be it also helped me to become the woman God has called me to be. And speaking of God, my faith has played a huge role in the decisions I’ve made and the person I am today. Being a single mom for the majority of my kid’s life without family or support anywhere truly strengthened me. I became very good at adjusting and figuring out how to make things work.

The push back into entrepreneurship was a painful one… I accepted a governor-appointed position because of my gift of ‘figuring things out’ or what my new boss called my ability to “think outside the box” but quickly found out I was not cut out for politics. What next? After talking with friends and family and some soul searching I decided I needed to get back into business ownership. I had met my now-husband, Jeremy and my children were now teenagers. I decided to start a business addressing procurement fraud but didn’t feel passionate about it.

Then a State Farm recruiter approached my husband and me. I was not the least bit interested but was willing to talk to her in support of my husband. Come to find out it was what I had been searching for. I passed up a couple of opportunities at first because I wanted to be the best agent possible and truly be able to help people and knew that meant learning and gaining experience. I found a great mentor to shadow. My family was amazing with the support and love they provided. They never complained about my long work hours and our strict budget. I was offered an opportunity to open a scratch agency in Madison in 2019.

We opened the doors on January 1, 2020. Getting hit by a pandemic shortly after opening a scratch agency was challenging to say the least. Starting with zero customers and then having a lockdown caused us to get creative and quickly adjust. Sometimes when things are tough the best thing to do is focus on helping others. We started doing what my kids and I used to do as a game when they were young… Random acts of kindness.

Putting potted flowers randomly on people’s porches, buying groceries or supplies for people in need, buying meals, or cleaning a house are some of the things I and my team did. We started a drive-in movie night after seeing how many families were struggling to be trapped at home. The more we blessed others the more we were blessed. I think it all comes down to working hard, never giving up, doing the right thing, and having faith.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, not at all. Becoming a caretaker at 16. Not having any support (financial, emotional, & physical) most of my life.

Almost losing my life after infection and the long road to recovery. Being in a male-dominated industry and constantly being excluded, judged, and underestimated, Financial struggles- being the sole provider and then opening a scratch business in the midst of a pandemic.

Discovering I have Lyme disease and constantly trying to overcome all of the health issues associated with it.

As you know, we’re big fans of Jennifer Bourne State Farm. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
We protect people from the risks of everyday life, help them recover from the unexpected, and help people reach their goals and dreams. We offer so much more than just auto, homeowner, life, and health insurance products. I am very passionate about life insurance and believe it is our responsibility to make sure our families are properly protected.

I personally like small businesses and helping to protect people’s dreams. I am also very passionate about mentoring young people and educating them on finance. We have servants’ hearts and go above and beyond to take care of our policyholders. We give our policyholders my and Jeremy’s personal cell numbers so they can get a hold of us in case of an emergency. We have been known to drive hours to help a policyholder in need.

We care a lot, a whole lot. I am a big believer in educating my policyholders so that they know exactly what they are paying for and what it means comes claims time. I want to be the best thing on their worst day. I am very proud to be a State Farm agent. They have been number one for the majority of the 100 years they have been in existence.

I am also a mortgage originator with Rocket Pro and am working on becoming securities licensed so I can serve my policyholders even more/better.

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
Going on hikes with my dad. I loved exploring and discovering new things.

My dad always told me I had an eye for nature and would see things most people wouldn’t. I also loved the family game night and most of all Christmas & New Year’s Eve family game night. Good quality family time that I continued with my kids.

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