Today we’d like to introduce you to Nick Byrd.
Alright, thank you for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, how did you get started?
Hello! My name is Nick Byrd. I’ve always been fascinated with technology and gear and what’s possible when you figure out how something works. I’ve heard that my grandfather was a big gadget guy, always tinkering. I got the bug from him and my mom, who is constantly researching and finding alternative ways to do things. I moved to Nashville in 2011 to study Audio Engineering at Belmont. I’m a musician, engineer, producer, and tour professional. And business owner. I’ve been touring for over 10 years now. I’ve also spent a ton of time in recording studios, professional and home studios. My background is heavily in the recording world. I’ve put together several home studios. In doing so, I’ve learned a ton. Most of what I have learned is about how people like to interact with gear, what’s useful, what sounds good, and what’s affordable for the average studio owner or musician to have with them in their creative and technical processes.
For a while, I did what many musicians do; flip gear. I’d see something for a low price and think I could sell it for more and make some extra cash. I often found myself keeping items because I’d always wanted whatever it was; that was partially the reason why certain items would catch my eye in the first place. After a while, I said to myself: “Well, I can’t keep everything, I don’t have room for all this stuff, and more importantly, I think someone else might be looking for this very item – and it might be the missing piece for them, it might be the inspiring piece that helps them get to the next level in their journey.” And so I began connecting people with gear!
There’s a lot more to my story. Still, I decided (and was encouraged by others) to use my skills to build a business serving other musicians, producers, and engineers, by taking the guesswork out of the gear game, and presenting awesome, inspiring gear to them. I do this through my Instagram page, website, and retail presence. My thing is making sure the price is right. I never overcharge; I undercut prices as much as I can.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Ha. Anyone in business will tell you that it’s never smooth. I’ve certainly had struggles along the way, but none that ever got me down too much. My struggles have been with cash flow and inventory, typical business issues. I’m growing the business a lot. One of the biggest struggles is utilizing my time effectively. I am involved with other artists’ careers, including my own, and often I am faced with needing to respond to messages from my customers while in a session, on the road, or on a plane. Having to list items for the next day’s drop. Getting in the car or renting a van. I move pianos, so sometimes, I figure out how to move a piano properly from Point A to Point B. I make the trek to pick up some of the last few dollars I may have to take what I’m doing to the next level. Keeping my shelves stocked at Gear Post. Deciding whether I should stay up those extra couple hours and get it done or get some rest and wake up early. Taking personal time and vacations.
I have many interests and goals. And so sometimes it’s just a matter of getting organized. I’ve been throwing ideas at the wall for a few years, and many have worked. I’m always learning, but I’m grateful for every obstacle. You can’t grow without “no’s.”
As you know, we’re big fans of Byrd Finds. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about the brand?
My business serves musicians, producers, and engineers of all levels. I mean it. I work with people who bought their first guitar from me to some of the biggest names in music. I treat everyone the same: with respect and attention. I specialize in vintage and recording gear; consoles, microphones, amps, guitars, basses, drum machines, drums, effects processors, synths and keyboards, cue systems, pianos, tape machines – anything you might find in a recording studio, new or old. I don’t know everything, but I have extensive experience that allows me to know a lot and to recommend well. I also specialize in having the best prices. My customers know me for having the coolest gear available at the best prices. They also know me for my experience with the gear, as I mentioned before. They know that I have spent the time and done the research, and I know what I’m talking about. I’ll only sell you something that I find useful!
I am most proud to be a resource for the music community. It’s a great honor. Many of my customers are my friends, people I’ve known for years – but most aren’t – they’re people who are trying to make music and come to me for their gear needs. They know I won’t cheat them or try to get one over on them – that’s not what I’m about in the slightest. They also know that I can find rare and coveted gear for them!
To the person reading this, I want you to know that I’m here for you. I created this business because I was tired of watching my friends spend too much money on gear that I knew they could get for less. As musicians, we already have it tough. Why not save some money and get exactly what you’re looking for? I am in this to make life easier for anyone making music. I also have a thriving consignment portion of my business – sell your gear with me. It’s easy and pain-free! I move pianos, conduct studio consultations, and have a weekly newsletter with new gear. Much of my gear sells quickly, so if you see something you like, don’t wait!
Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
Growing up, I was very spontaneous. I’d always try stuff out with music and hanging out with my friends. I was always taking things apart. For a bit, I wanted to be a cable guy, or a tv repairman, no joke. While also wanting to be a recording engineer and musician. I was always interested in music and making it from a young age. I got my first Casio keyboard very young and always played it. I was so interested in how it worked. I played in bands in high school and learned much about recording and all the gear we used. I was super involved at the church I grew up in. We had nice facilities, and I had a couple of mentors there who let me try a lot of stuff. I was mixing FOH, playing in the band, and often putting things together. Early on, I got a lot of technology exposure that helped inform me as a professional musician and engineer. Since I didn’t have a high-paying job, I often had to go with the cheapest version of whatever I wanted so that I could convince my parents to buy for me or split with me. I learned how to make those things sound good and worked my way up to better versions. For the most part, I am the same I’ve always been: interested in many different things and curious about the possibilities.
Contact Info:
- Website: byrdfinds.com
- Instagram: instagram.com/byrdfinds.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/byrdfinds/
- Other: iamnickbyrd.com
Image Credits
Picture 1: Studio consultation work by Byrd Finds for Sean McConnell
Picture 2: 1950’s RCA BK5B Ribbon Microphones serviced by Cole Picks Vintage
Picture 3: Baldwin Acrosonic piano delivered and placed for Corook (pictured)
Picture 4: Byrd Finds logo
Picture 5: Roland Space Echo units (RE-20, RE-200, RE-201) w/ Roland Jazz Chorus 90 Stereo Amp
Picture 6: Nick, pictured with a 1970’s Yamaha PM1000 16 Channel console found and modified for Sean McConnell
Picture 7: Byrd Finds logo on the door at Gear Post Nashville
Picture 8: Vintage gear found by Byrd Finds in use for a home recording session