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Inspiring Conversations with Jessica Lohan of BellyBee Goods

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessica Lohan. 

Hi Jessica, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
All my life, all I’ve ever dreamed of being was a stay-at-home mom and wife. When I met my husband and was given the opportunity to live out that dream, after having 3 kids, wasn’t exactly what I imagined. I realized rather quickly that stay-at-home mom life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I personally didn’t LOVE it (and felt extremely guilty about that), but mostly, I felt something was missing. A piece of who I was gone. As a naturally “talkative” and “social” person, I longed for that connection again. I felt so lonely and eventually, became debilitatingly depressed. Even though I had 3 kiddos relying on me, I could barely pull myself out of bed. My husband began noticing and would often say “I think you need some kind of hobby.” Easy for him to say; as I have never been the creative or artistic type. I couldn’t imagine any kind of “hobby” that would actually be worthwhile. At this point in my life, we had a 6-, 5- and 2-year-old and I was just trying to make it through each day without feeling like I had completely neglected them. 

Rewind to 5 years prior. Our daughter, Finley, was around 16 months old and I was nursing our newborn son, Easton, 2 months old at the time. Finley became sick with bronchiolitis and was hospitalized overnight at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. While there, another mama said to me, “You ought to try Elderberry Syrup for her. It works wonders.” I’d never heard even heard the word “Elderberry” before, but I was immediately intrigued, as natural and organic approaches were more important to me than ever for my new babies. I sent my husband out to get some, we gave her a few teaspoons every few hours, and lo and behold, she left the hospital the next day. I was sold! The syrup became a staple in our fridge. While I usually got it at the local produce store, I found a local mom that made some herself and bought some from her. I figured anything homemade would be much better than anything I could find in a store. I knew most store-bought Elderberry syrup was full of preservatives and sugars and usually not all-natural or organic. For the next few years, homemade Elderberry was our go-to for any kind of sickness in our home. 

Fast forward to November of 2019. On a whim, I decided to try to make my own, simply to see how it would turn out to give my kids. I purchased all the ingredients (organic only, of course) on Amazon and tinkered around with a few different recipes. My kids LOVED it even more than what I had given them in the past. Our youngest son, Fisher, 2 years old at the time would walk around saying “More bellybelly, Mommy! It’s so good, Mama!” I had made an entire crockpot full, so when I put the leftover in a mason jar, I decided to put a picture of it on Facebook, with the caption “Just made some Elderberry Syrup. Who wants some?” The “orders” came pouring in. I was immediately taken aback; WOW! I made something that people actually wanted to buy from me! Thrilled with my newfound “hobby,” I was more determined than ever and worked harder than I have in a long time! That “bellybelly” phrase Fisher had been throwing around became the name I gave my new “business,” BellyBee Goods. My kids saw me working and PASSIONATE about something! I had found my calling. I jumped out of bed each morning, excited for the day and HAPPY. I had found something MORE than “just” Mommy… And that was exactly what I needed to be an even better Mommy. 

Almost 2 years later, this business has grown into more than I could have imagined. I’ve even had to get the help of my entire family in on it. My Mom, Dad, husband, brother, and kiddos all have a hand in it all; it’s truly a “Family-run” business. We now have a website and sell on multiple online platforms, as well as participate in many local vendor events. We’ve shipped to almost all 50 states, even Canada! In the first year alone, we sold as much as I used to make as a salary working at a 9-5 job before I met my husband. It was a truly liberating feeling. With thousands of bottles of Elderberry sold, we now have a variety of products (Elderberry Elixir, Gummies, Looseleaf Tea, Popsicles, Lemonade, and D.I.Y. kits) and even wholesale to retail stores! 

While “Mommy” will always be my top priority, I now have something for myself. A business that I created all by myself, only by the grace of God, that I hope to pass on to my daughter one day. Knowing how many people WE have been able to share health and wellness with through an all-natural, God-given approach is most humbling, after all. The support has been more than I could have ever dreamed for myself. It’s definitely been a blessing and dream (that I never even knew I had) come true. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
When I made my first batch of homemade Elderberry, it was not my intention to start a full-fledged business. I assumed I may just share a few jars with some family and friends. However, orders poured in immediately, so adjusting to life as both a Mommy AND a business owner was a challenge. I had never owned a business before (and never imagined I ever would), so the time it took to learn all the ropes took a lot out of me. While it helped calm my depression, I soon started feeling that “Mom guilt” that a lot of working moms experience. Finding an appropriate balance is an everyday challenge. I feel like I blinked and my three kiddos weren’t babies anymore. There’s days I still struggle trying to find that balance. However, I know that when my kiddos see me working hard, it’s something that will help mold them into hard-working adults one day. I’m proud of that. 

We’ve been impressed with BellyBee Goods, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Currently, all of the products we make consist of Elderberry, which is a scientifically-proven immune booster. We are a family-run business and only make handcrafted small batches, which ensures our customers are getting only fresh out of our kitchen products. We use absolutely zero chemicals or preservatives. We make a variety of products that are suited for both children and adults. Our DIY kits allow our customers that live in other states the ability to use their own local honey. They are also geared toward those with diabetic needs, vegans, allergies, those on keto diets, etc. Basically, we are very versatile and are even glad to customize for those that have certain dietary restrictions. 

Please refer to My Story for more. 

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
I was super outgoing and lived in a very small town in Texas called Grandview where everyone knew everyone. I remember my best friend, Natalie, and I made up a dance to Debbie Gibson’s “Electric Youth” when we were 8. I recently reconnected with her on social media. It’s still, to this day, one of my favorite memories. 

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Lindsay Hodges
LH Photography

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