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Meet Bob Green

Today we’d like to introduce you to Bob Green.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Well, I’m a singer-songwriter from Orlando, Florida. I didn’t start singing until I was a Junior in college. After I graduated from the University of Montevallo, I moved to Orlando and started making extra money by playing cover gigs. Shortly after, I started writing songs, and things kind of immediately happened, I was playing bass for a band that signed with this multiplatinum producer and music really looked like it was going to be my full-time job.

We had investors, and things looked really promising, but that band broke up. I took some time away from music and finally made my first EP, Diamonds and Dead Roses. That got the attention of the owner of this entertainment company out of Atlanta and they brought me on board. The owner introduced me to the “World of Nashville” and that you could make a living as a songwriter. That’s what started bringing me to Nashville. It’s such a rad town, so much talent, so many cool venues. That influence led to my Pop vs. Soul record. It’s a country record, half of the record is really catchy pop-country tunes, and half stuff really influenced by deeper songwriting.

I put out my most recent record, “Back to Neverland” in June of this year. It has opened some doors that I’m really excited about, I’m always submitting songs for opportunities, and my song “The Flame” won me this contest to work with Malcolm Springer, who is a huge producer in Nashville. He’s got so many platinum records he said his wife won’t let him hang any more up in the house. We got along really well so it looks like we will continue to work together in the future.

I will be releasing a new single early next year called “The Next Full Moon” that I wrote and I recorded with Malcolm. The song is based on the show Penny Dreadful. During the quarantine, that was brought on by the pandemic, I wrote a lot of songs that were based on TV shows or movies. I was able to turn that downtime that led to binge-watching shows and movies where I was unable to work into enough songs to have my next record done.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Definitely not a smooth road. Music is a challenging business. As I said, I was in a band that was signed by a big producer, but we broke up. The next company that picked me up kind of disappeared on me when it seemed like we had a potential hit song.

They introduced me to the world of writing for other people and they set up a pitch meeting, and my first week writing in the mindset of the songs being for someone else, we had a bite, they just wanted some rewrites and I did them, but the company I was with never set up a follow up meeting and just vanished on me. I was also supposed to be on the show Songland.

I had made it through casting, and the show ended up not happening until about three years later, and they need up recasting at that point. I’ve kept going and I currently feel closer to being a full-time musician than I’ve felt in many years.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a singer and a songwriter. People know me for my big voice, and I feel like I write really good songs. I’m really proud of my last record, “Back To Neverland” and I’m proud of the doors it has opened for me.

What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
Be humble, that will get you far, and never get your hopes up. There are no guarantees in the music business.

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Image Credits
Richard Johnson and Mark Horan

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1 Comment

  1. Doris Green

    December 27, 2021 at 6:03 pm

    Love this story about my son he has worked hard and continues to work hard. He is a humble person and I’m so very, very proud of him. If he makes it big My heart will burst with pride, but if he doesn’t, my heart will still burst with pride.

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