Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelly Bourque.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Therapy is my first love. I’ve been a therapist for over 15 years, specifically in couples therapy. As my practice grew and I couldn’t keep up with the referrals – I decided to scale. Red Therapy Group is now 3 years young, but is busting at the seams! There are nine therapists among us and two admin rockstars (my husband being one of them). In our family, we got to the point where it didn’t make sense for my husband to keep his job.
We were stretched thin with 3 kids, a business, and his job. We’re so happy now. The space we have for our family is dreamy. Sometimes we pinch ourselves. “Are we really here?” We had to take some risks to get here, and I’ve learned a lot about leadership and business along the way.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Smooth? Hell no. Worth it – absolutely! The first year of becoming a group practice was hard. I tried to do too much at once. I tell clinicians looking to start a group practice to grow slowly.
I almost lost my mind taking on 3 therapists, an intake coordinator, maintaining my already busting caseload, AND creating systems that needed to be foundational for our business to be successful. I am proud that we always made a profit though. I consistently made more than the month before. The thing I had to work at was working less and making more. I’ve finally achieved that – but it took a minute.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
We are a boutique therapy group. We offer relational therapy for individuals, couples, and families. Clients tell us that getting help from us is like breathing a sigh of relief. They finally get the help they need (unfortunately there’s a lot of “meh” therapy out there). We are very transparent about the process of change and what they can expect. Our clients are never guessing about what we’re doing and where they’re headed. What we do is so simple. We help people feel love again. Not just know it, but actually have a felt sense. From that place – they can thrive.
Clients also love the different formats they can receive therapy from us. We offer intensives and extended sessions for clients that just can’t make the hourly/weekly deal work.
As a team, we’re tight. The thing that bonds us is our commitment to excellence. We nerd out together all the time. We’re always sharing the latest neuroscience or bonding science research and exchanging how our interventions are helping and where we want to grow. The hiring process is intense. There just isn’t a therapist among us that you wouldn’t love.
We’d love to hear what you think about risk-taking.
I love to take risks! I have a business group for therapists called Superpower Alliance (superpoweralliance.net). One of the things I preach to that group is that if you’re not taking a small risk quarterly, you won’t grow. People burn out because they’re stagnant. I can’t stand feeling stuck. As soon as something isn’t working, I pivot. I also have learned how to take smart risks. I’m taking smart, small risks constantly. I think that’s one of my secrets to success. At first, I wasn’t doing it intentionally (I think it’s more just an outflow of my personality).
But, now – I see the value in it. Every time I put myself out there, as scary as it can be – it pays off. Every time I try something new – even if it flops – I learn something so valuable that I just can’t learn from reading a book or listening to a podcast. If we learn by doing (and who isn’t that true for?) – then you MUST get comfortable with taking small, smart risks constantly.
Contact Info:
- Website: redtherapygroup.com
- Instagram: @redtherapygroup
- Facebook: @redtherapygroup
- Other: eftmarriageintensive.com, superpoweralliance.net