Today we’d like to introduce you to Morgan Stanley.
Hi Morgan, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
I was born and raised in Searcy, AR to two amazing entrepreneurial parents. I knew my life would end up in the business world. I mean let’s be honest, you cannot name someone Morgan Stanley and not expect them to end up in the business world. My mom still shares stories of me as a little girl sitting at the kitchen table saying, “I am working on my business.” I loved business and I loved knowing how it worked. I would spend summers helping my parents at their pharmacy doing all I could to be involved in the operations. It was ingrained in me at a young age to be a hard worker, to never give up, and to help others along the way. I am very grateful for all the lessons I learned from my parents who are the hardest workers I know.
I left Arkansas and ended up attending Ole Miss where I earned a degree in Marketing and Corporate Relations. My time at Ole Miss was some of the most impactful years of my life. I was pretty much involved in every organization I could be involved in while I was there. The people I met, the friends I made, and the lessons I learned impacted my life forever.
I knew I always wanted to make an impact on individuals and especially individuals in the business world. I made my way to Nashville in June of 2018. My career started at a boutique coaching firm in town. It was like I got my MBA but on steroids. I was immediately thrown into helping multi-million dollar businesses scale while holding them accountable to the plans they set. I learned so much about business, how to be a leader, what to do, and what not to do. I developed so many amazing relationships and had the best mentors. After 4 years of traveling the world and impacting so many lives, I decided it was time to grow some roots in Nashville.
At the beginning of 2022, I transitioned to BrainTrust. Ever since college, I had this passion for business but especially women in business. BrainTrust is a membership organization for women entrepreneurs with the focus to help women get to the $1M mark in revenue as only 2% ever make it past that mark. As we have grown our purpose is now twofold, to help women get to $1M while also helping women build financial independence, wealth, and influence. Sherry Deutschmann, our Founder, has been one of the most influential people in my life. Her passion to help women break down all of the barriers is amazing to witness.
Each part of my story has one thing that has always stood out – an amazing mentor. I have been blessed to have had such amazing individuals throughout my life and they have truly been the reason I am who I am today.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
There are always going to be challenges we face in life but how you handle those challenges is what is important. I think one of the biggest struggles that I have always faced is dealing with imposter syndrome.
Am I qualified for this? Am I smart enough? What will people think? All those questions have popped up in my head time and time again.
Here is what I have found. We all face a little bit of imposter syndrome along the way. We think we are not qualified or not smart enough. The thing is that you are where you are for a reason. You have worked hard, put in the effort, and shown up. You did not just get to where you are because of luck. Be proud of your accomplishments, be humble, and keep showing up for yourself and others around you.
One of my greatest mentors always uses to say, “How hard are you willing to work when no one is watching.” Not everyone sees the day-to-day that got you to where you are now. Keep working hard even when no one is around to witness it. You know what is in your heart and that is what is important. And the important people in your life will know the same.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I started my career in the coaching world. It was some of the most impactful work I have ever done. Seeing individuals accomplish the goals they set for themselves and how it changed their life was amazing to see.
I started at BrainTrust as Director of Business Development and now am President & CRO. I learned so much in the first few months with BrainTrust. Our biggest focus is to help women surpass the $1M mark in revenue. Through our model, we have now had over 25% of our membership surpass $1M in revenue. I am so proud to be a part of an organization that is focused on helping women break down barriers and help them build financial independence, wealth, and influence.
I would say I am most proud of where I am today. I have been through a lot of adversity both professionally and personally. To be on the other side of some of the challenges has been a huge accomplishment.
As I have stepped into this role as President & CRO, my main focus is to continue to support the women of BrainTrust, share the purpose of BrainTrust with everyone, and help break down the barriers that women face in the world of business. I have always loved the quote, “Do what you love and love what you do.” Some days are hard but when you get to wake up and know you are making a difference, that is what keeps me going.
We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
2020 will be a year I will never forget. A year that was very hard but also eye-opening. The biggest lesson I learned through that time is to stay focused.
You are going to face challenges in life but stay the course. I think we heard the word pivot more times than not during 2020 but it stands true. Sometimes our plan goes in a different direction but stay focused on the result, learn to adjust, and stay consistent. You will end up right where you need to be.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @morganleestanley
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/morgan.l.stanley.3
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/morganstanley/
Image Credits
Jordan Smith Photography