Today we’d like to introduce you to William Lester and Robyn Barber. They shared their story with us below:
William Lester and Robyn Barber are an Artisan couple who spend most days together creating from their hearts in two completely different ways. William is a Luthier hand-crafting banjos and dulcimers from his collection of locally sourced wood that he has acquired over the last 20+ years. Robyn is a Visual Artist and adult Art Workshop Facilitator working in acrylics, watercolor, and mixed media. They call their self-built workshop that sits on Chestnut Ridge in Santa Fe, Tennessee, Chestnut Grove Studios.
William initially became interested in woodworking as he spent time in his granddad’s woodshop watching him work on a variety of projects. At 13, he decided he would borrow his granddad’s unadorned banjo and give it an “upgrade.” Unfortunately, Papa Wilson never got his banjo back, but William had found a passion that would be with him throughout his lifetime.
Woodworking continued to be a hobby for William as he pursued and built a successful career in Architecture. After taking an early retirement in 2015, he has finally been able to focus full-time on instrument building. Each instrument is handmade and crafted to showcase the beauty of its wood components. William is also an expert in inlay, adding even more beauty and artistry to his one-of-a-kind banjos and dulcimers. Most instruments made by William are custom orders with the musician encouraged to be involved in the selection of wood used as well as any theme or design of the inlay work on their new instrument.
Robyn’s creative interests were also inspired by a grandparent. “Granny” was a multi-passionate creative and expressed her talents through cooking, cake decorating, knitting, quilting, sewing, crocheting, and more. While Robyn has enjoyed many of those same outlets over the years, she became interested in painting after taking art classes in high school. Children and a 30-year career as a computer programmer kept her busy and away from art until an early retirement opportunity came at the end of 2016. Her last day of “work” was December 31, 2016, and she began attending art classes a week later.
Encouraged by her fellow students and teacher, Robyn began leading adult Art Workshops in 2018. These workshops gradually gained a following, and are now held monthly in Spring Hill, known as “The Saturday Morning Art Club.” Robyn provides all of the supplies and instruction necessary to complete the month’s project, and each workshop participant, regardless of experience, can leave with a completed project they can be proud of. Robyn also continues to show and sell her paintings online and at various locations across Middle Tennessee.
William and Robyn live on the same property as their studios in a tiny house they built themselves. You can find out more about them as well as shop for instruments and art, or sign up for a workshop at their website,
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Both William and Robyn struggle with shiny object syndrome, although Robyn will admit she has a harder time staying on task. It is so easy to be working on a project when something unexpected happens, sometimes… magical, and sometimes… disappointing. When it is magical, it can inspire you to start something new using this new “magic,” and when it is disappointing, it can lead you to change course.
The biggest challenge William and Robyn are facing today is wearing all of the hats required of a creative entrepreneur. Managing a website and online store, creating and posting social media content, finding and making potential customers aware of who you are and what you are offering takes a big chunk of time… time that William and Robyn would rather be elbows and ankles deep in wood shavings and paint.
Any big plans?
William is working on expanding his line of instruments to include ukuleles and mandolins as well as consigning his instruments in some of Nashville’s premier music stores.
Robyn is working on new artwork for several online and in-person art shows. She is experimenting with a new palette and revisiting landscapes. She is also pursuing licensing agreements for some of her artwork.
William and Robyn also enjoy the outdoors and plan to take a few trips this year to do some hiking and bicycling. Additionally, they hope to incorporate a few artist and maker festivals in their travels this year to reach a wider audience and sell some of their crafts.
Contact Info:
- Website:
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- Youtube: