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Rising Stars: Meet Amelia Smith

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amelia Smith.

Hi Amelia, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Where do I begin? I have always had a passion for art. I have also had a passion for helping others in general. I’m a leader and my father saw that in me at a young age. If I wanted to get something I would give my parents a whole presentation about why I needed something. My entrepreneurial journey began when I went to MTSU in 2011 and began my career as undeclared. I then eventually changed it to Business Administration-Entrepreneurship. I really didn’t know what type of business I even focus point. I was currently caregiving at that time in 2016 and decided to change it to Business Administration-Health Admin.

That was the same year my husband and I had our baby boy. I then worked for 5 years in hospice. While working at hospice, the families were extremely understanding of my situation. My husband and I did not come from a family of wealth. We struggled-I mean really struggled badly. During 2018-2021 I worked in healthcare, sometimes working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. My husband would work multiple jobs as well. Childcare was extremely expensive so at times I would have to take our baby boy to work with me. Imagine having to help someone transition into the next life while watching a toddler at work doing it! But like Oprah once said, “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” So that’s what I did.

In 2018 I also started my own business: Beautifully Crafted. So here’s how it really all started. When I became pregnant in 2015, I started drawing and painting as a hobby. I wanted to decorate my baby boy’s room and being that I didn’t have the money to do so I couldn’t afford the items even in Hobby Lobby. When I tell you I wanted these paintings, etc. so bad but couldn’t even afford them. So in 2018, I started Beautifully Crafted-BRINGING YOU AFFORDABLE ARTWORK. That’s right knew there were other people like me who just were extremely unfortunate.

A good friend of mine reached out to me and said that she wanted me to do her son’s bday party for October 2018. I was extremely shocked but excited. I did it and she paid me for it! That year I had already started doing easter baskets for kids and made money. Time passed and I would actually go to work and do orders while at work. That was my typical routine and life. My customers would pick up their orders from my job or I would ship them off when I got off work. So the pandemic hits!

My clients literally all passed. And I was stuck without a job. I literally had no other choice but to go hard for my business. So I’m an artist but instead of physical paintings, my husband had the idea for me to do graphic design.

That’s what I did. I learned graphic design by watching and studying YouTube videos. I wanted to learn to draw characters and portraits-I went to learn on YouTube. I learned so much for free. The next thing you know I made myself a logo and someone asked me if I did logos and I said: “well I do now!” Now my business is literally THRIVING. I am a full-time entrepreneur, business coach, graphic designer, ghostwriter, and illustrator. I am forever humble for the experience and the struggle because without it – I wouldn’t know how to appreciate all of this.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Like I said before, Living in poverty and not having enough income to suffice were my biggest struggle. Even now, the struggle is pushing and becoming positive even when I don’t feel up to it. Because when you are this Mogul and everyone looks up to you-it gets overwhelming and you can’t let them see you sweat no matter what.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a graphic designer and artist. I design logos, websites, backdrops flyers, etc and I also print them out for my clients. My niche is small business owners. I have classes where I teach them how to start their own business using $0 down to begin it. I understand the struggles I had with startup costs so I just want to be a blessing to others.

These classes include Tshirt Business, Graphic Design Courses, Planner/Journal Business, and my favorite DROPSHIPPING. I am also a children’s book ghostwriter and illustration and have helped several of clients publish and print their own books. I am a Business Coach teaching my methods and encouraging other business owners who may need that inspiration.

What was your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory was actually when my brother, sister, and I would go and visit my grandmother for the summers in Crockett County. My parents had to work so my grandmother and aunt would watch us. One day my grandma was outside hanging up her clothes to dry on the clothesline and I remember playing with her. My grandma didn’t play-she came from a strict childhood with a 6th-grade education.

I remember asking her to race me back to the house. To my surprise, she said okay. She was really trying to race me and of course, I let her win. She passed in 2014. The real reason why I started doing hospice. I was unable to be there for her while she was passing because I was in college. So I really wanted to be there for someone who needed it…


  • Logo Packages are $150-Primary, Secondary and Submark
  • Website Packages are $550
  • Ghostwriting and Illustration is $195
  • Flyers are $45
  • Logo Revamp Package is $85

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