Today we’d like to introduce you to Cory Bryant.
Hi Cory, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I was born and raised in the farm country of Southern Indiana, the oldest of four boys. By about eleven years of age, I knew there was something different about me, but I had absolutely no frame of reference, no role models, nothing to help me understand why that was. At nineteen, I went off to Purdue University to become a Veterinarian, which evolved to a Bachelor’s (1993) and Master’s degree (1995) in Food Science. It was during my Master’s work that I came to terms with what it was that made me different. I’m gay. Coming out in 1993 in Indiana, even at a university, was earth-shaking — I had two (minor) car accidents the first week — that’s how nervous I was. But, thankfully, my friends were all mostly accepting and supportive and I got through it. In 1996 my first boyfriend and I moved to Amherst, Massachusetts where I began my doctorate in Food Chemistry. Upon completion of my PhD in December 1999, I, sans the boyfriend and onto another, I moved to New York City to work for the world’s largest flavor and fragrance company. New York was another life-altering experience — in so many ways…
Initially, I was very much taken in by all the attention I was receiving from the gay boys in Chelsea (a neighborhood on the lower Westside where I lived — and the gayest place in America at the time). I quickly dove into the party scene and started hitting the drugs hard. After about three years of that, a two years abusive relationship and 9/11 I was pretty strung out. I met a guy who recognized my struggle. He said, “I think you need yoga.” A couple of weeks later, he took me with him to Jivamukti Yoga School and the rest, as they say, is history…
Jivamukti changed my life — I guess it’s fair to say it saved my life. It gave me something to help control my drug and alcohol issues, it gave me something to believe in and it offered me a sense of acceptance and community that I didn’t even know was lacking. Flash forward six years to 2008 and I’m quitting my job (in the meantime, I had met my husband – we’ve been together over 18 years – and moved to Washington, DC to pursue a career in food policy) to attend Jivamukti Teacher Training – a month-long in residence, full-on yoga immersion. After the training, I returned to DC and started teaching the next day to a room packed with yogis. I haven’t stopped teaching since.
At that point, I was of a mind to steer clear of the “man” and devote myself full-time to teaching yoga. And then, out of the blue, I got a call from a colleague at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. He said, “Cory, I have direct hiring authority and I’m offering you a job.” Now, this is very unusual. Getting a job at FDA had been my goal since 2003 and it is usually a cumbersome, lengthy process. To that point, they weren’t even hiring. That day, my first response to him was “no thank you”, but a few days later I called him back and accepted the job. Internally it was conditional and I told myself I’d resign if it didn’t feel right.
I spent a little over seven years at FDA and spent much of that time traveling the world working with other governments to help ensure the safe production and trade of food. I even worked in Beijing, China for two years. Over that time, my yoga practice evolved and became a more and more important aspect of my life. It filtered into everything I do and at the same time, I rose up the ranks at FDA getting closer to where the big decisions are made. One day, in 2014, I found myself sitting in the grand assembly hall at the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland – part of the US trade negotiation team – and I started writing. I wrote a bit of a manifesto on what I really wanted to do with my life. That day I decided it was time to resign. I stayed about one more year, during which time I crafted my plan for the next phase of life – that of a full-time yoga teacher.
Now, forward three years later – and one failed attempt at opening my own yoga shala (shala means “yoga home”) in DC – Richard (my husband – officially married in 2013) and I began to seriously consider a move to Nashville. My youngest brother has lived here for many years and every time we’d visit we’d say to one another “this may someday be home”. A good friend, Jessica, and long-time student offered to help me set up the business (I’m a VERY reluctant businessman) and we did it. We got the idea to rent space in a church from a friend of mine in DC, who was doing the same there, and it all came together quickly. On June 15th, 2019 Richard and I moved to East Nashville and we opened the shala on July 15, 2019. And then the tornado, and then covid…
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
A smooth road… is it ever a “smooth” road? 😉
There have been challenges. The earliest and longest-lasting being my homosexuality. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian family and community. There were NO gay people. I did not understand what was happening within me. I had no one to talk to about how I felt or what I was experiencing. I had no frame of reference – no one to help me through any of it until I met my first boyfriend at the age of 23. I suffered a lot. At times I was suicidal. I would read the Bible tell myself that if I didn’t manage to change, I would burn in hell forever. Overcoming this indoctrinated self-hatred and shame has been a life project. Yoga has been the biggest factor in helping me accept not only myself but all “others”. I believe that the biggest problem in the world today is “other-ism” — the all-encompassing, ego and fear-based condition that puts up walls between beings. Tearing down those walls is my life’s work — for all of us.
And because of the underlying self-hate, when a beautiful man on Fire Island gave his attention to me, I fell head over heels for him. We were living together two weeks later. And he began controlling my every move about a week after that — including pretty much pimping me out for his own pleasure. Physical and emotional violence soon became part of the equation. I felt trapped and so alone because I didn’t want anyone to know this was happening to me. It took me two years to break free.
I got drunk for the first time at age 11. Drinking has been a huge part of my social life from that point forward. I started using hard drugs at 30 when I moved to NYC. Dealing with my high-functioning addiction to substances has also been a huge challenge. Again, yoga is what has helped me overcome.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a Yoga Teacher and Owner of Yoga Shala Nashville. I provide guidance on the practice and philosophy of yoga, specifically Ashtanga Yoga. Most mornings and some evenings, I work with individuals to develop their physical (yoga posture, breath work and meditation) practice. In between, I do my own daily yoga practice, manage the business (including operations, social media, marketing, etc.), plan for teaching classes/workshops, collaborate with colleagues to bring great guest teachers to our community, and spend some time doing my own yoga study of ancient texts/philosophy.
I am known for being down to earth, direct, warm/friendly, open, welcoming, knowledgeable, reliable/consistent and devoted.
I try to avoid pride in terms of my own accomplishments, so I’d say I am most proud of the wonderful communities that I’ve been part of in DC and nowhere in Nashville.
As for what sets me apart, I guess I’d say my years of experience – there really aren’t many full-time yogis (yoga practitioners/teachers) and especially not in the over 50 years of age category. Also, I’m well-versed in the philosophy of yoga and am able to provide teaching that draws from the ancient foundation of the practice. Plus, I’ve spent many months in both Nepal and India where I have devoted much time to the study and practice of Buddhism and yoga. And finally, I’d say, my commitment to ending otherism. I have often seen yoga open folks eyes to the places inside themselves where bias has formed and their hearts to the potential for unity and I intend to keep showing up for that!
Any big plans?
My plans are to first and foremost keep showing up! None of us know what the next moment brings and one of the ways I’ve changed over the years is through staying present and doing my best not to project into the past or the future. Fully turning into now and taking action the best way I know-how.
That said, the shala is growing! And growth brings change and possibility. Recently I invited several of our most active community members to form an advisory committee. They are now working with me to guide the shala into the future. We are focused in 4 areas: (1) Growing membership; (2) Celebrating diversity & inclusion; (3) Foster and serve community; and (4) Evolving the virtual shala.
From this, I hope to move forward with more time to focus my efforts toward projects aimed at raising awareness and bringing an end to other-ism.
- $125 Monthly Membership
- $140 10-class pack
- $75 5-class pack
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August 14, 2022 at 12:33 am
Cory it’s me your old friend Lovie in NYC I’ve been trying to track you down for years ever since that prick Shawn broke up with you text me on 646 494 1973 let’s catch up