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Hidden Gems: Local Businesses & Creatives You Should Know

Every day we have a choice. We can support an up and coming podcaster, try a new family-run restaurant, join a boutique gym started by a local fitness champ or we could keep giving away our money to the handful of giants who already control so much of our commerce. Our daily decisions impact the kind world we live in; if we want a world where small businesses are growing and artists and creatives are thriving then we should support them with our time, money and attention. We’re proud to highlight inspiring creatives and entrepreneurs each week in Hidden Gems series. Check out some of our latest local gem features below.

Katie Kronk

When I was a junior in college, COVID-19 hit. I was working toward completing my degree in Integrated Digital Marketing at Mississippi State University. I had big dreams of landing a shiny marketing job with a major company like Southwest Airlines, Delta Airlines, or something in the travel industry. As many know, the travel industry was one of the hardest hit, and in fact, the entire job market was in a tough spot. Every time I applied for a job, I was met with rejection. “We love you, but we just let go of our entire marketing team.” “Yeah, sorry, marketing was the first to go.” Read More>>

Stacy Gary

It has not been a smooth road for the most part. I know that we are living in an economy that people are not buying as much as they have in the past and its been hard to get a following for my boutique. I have tried pages on Facebook to share my page and well as instagram and really just word of mouth. I know it will take time to build a following but that has been the biggest struggle. Read More>>

Lamonte Mclemore

I don’t care who you are. Where your from, or how much money you have I’d be lying if I were to say that being a model or Aspiring artist or entertainer has been easy or smooth and if hearing “NO” bothers you I don’t suggest making it a career because you’ll hear that more often than “YES” hard work and consistency get you further in the entertainment industry I believe our talent is just a bonus. Read More>>

Harsha Hari

As my experience grew, I felt a strong desire to share the art form that had shaped my life. Teaching became a natural extension of my passion for Bharatanatyam. I wanted to inspire others, just as I had been inspired, and to pass on the knowledge and joy that this dance has given me. In 2018, I founded my dance school, Mudra School of Dance in Franklin, Tennessee, where I have been able to nurture and guide a new generation of dancers. Read More>>

Mafe Diaz

I’m a personal brand mentor, and I help women around the world recognize their talents and turn them into a strong personal brand. I specialize in branding, visual identity design, content creation, personal development, as well as marketing and digital strategy, with a focus on generating income through your profession, business, or project. What I’m most proud of is seeing my clients launch their own projects, monetize them, and find a way to make a living doing what they love. Read More>>

Michelle Jaeger

Thanks to a very supportive husband and being in the Nashville area for a long time, I have been fortunate to have multiple business opportunities from the start of my business. I really enjoy being on my own and selecting clients that are a right fit for me. Navigating the ins and outs of running your own business, and setting up the foundation of a business were some of the biggest challenges at first. Luckily I have a strong network that has helped me out along the way. Read More>>

Emily Chavarie

So much has been a learning curve. From learning to run my own business to reminding myself to be proud of my abilities. It all takes patience and remembering that this is my first time doing any of this. I never thought I would be helping plan any event the size of NPFM and I never thought I’d be doing some of the on-the-spot problem solving that entails. Having great people by your side is a game changer. I am constantly reminding myself that teenage Emily would be so proud of the things I am doing. Read More>>

Laleeta “leelee” Lawrence

Eventually, down the line I found myself stuck living in survival mode. I became so caught up in surviving the day-to-day that I forgot to live for myself. I forgot who I was and what I am capable of. It’s crazy to say, but severe depression pushed me back into following my dreams. One day I told myself “I can either continue to let this be my perception of reality or I can become the woman of my dreams.” After that, I did a lot of introspection and became very intentional with my time. Read More>>

Orlando Dowlatt

It has definitely not been a smooth road. I have had to deal with name changes, theft, lost of my entire music library, the overall gatekeeping within the entertainment space and so much more through my come up. If I’m being honest, I am still facing some of these issues has I try to break into the market in Nashville. Read More>>

Beau West

He was a carpenter and one of my best friends. From the meager beginnings of small renovations, we currently have four employees and jobs that range from $250,000 renovations to a $1.3 million dollar new build. We are in the process of raising our monetary limit on our license to move into $500,000-$10 million dollar remodels and new builds and are also growing the employee base for Montcalm Construction. Read More>>

Mia Alexander

The road to entrepreneurship has been challenging but beneficial. From learning and enhancing my skill set to working with difficult clients, the journey has provided nothing but growth and understanding. During my business journey, I’ve created new avenues to build my brand from being a brand ambassador to content creation. Read More>>

Randal Green

Shouts out to Louis Logic, JJ Brown, the1shanti and Ad-Liberal for getting me really started creating my own music. Peace to Dolio the Sleuth and Rench the Mastermind from Gangstagrass for bringing into their world and taking me around the world with them. Read More>>

Mckenzie Quigley

From there, I took a step by securing an unpaid internship with One of Us Events, a company based in Tampa Bay that primarily focuses on house music events. Despite the position being unpaid, I was committed to learning as much as I could, and my efforts paid off when I was promoted to assist with artist relations and manage the VIP department. This experience was invaluable, as it taught me the intricacies of being a liaison for high-profile artists and creating memorable experiences for everybody in attendance. Read More>>

Billy Mckenzie

Rollin w/ Jelly started as an idea between friends who wanted to create something that blended good food with a meaningful purpose. Inspired by JellyRoll’s journey and his desire to give back, we launched the food truck with a mission to provide second chances, hiring only felons and creating a positive community. After getting a shoutout from JellyRoll on the CMA’s red carpet in 2023, things really took off. Now, we’re traveling to music festivals across the country, serving our famous Jelly Roll Doughnuts, Jammin w/Jelly artisan Jellies, Jellynade and spreading good vibes wherever we go! Read More>>

Brittany Russell

My story starts in the soulful streets of Memphis, Tennessee, where I was born and raised in a musical family. My Aunt Reba is a blues singer in Memphis, and every weekend growing up I would go and hear her sing. I was captivated and knew that I wanted to be on the other side where my aunt was standing – on the stage. Read More>>

Wholesome Boys

The resulting debut album, Adelphi (named in reference to both the street where they stayed in Brooklyn and their sense of brotherhood) is infused with gritty authenticity and packed with anthemic songs of hope and possibility. With their finished album in hand, The Wholesome Boys are readying plans for a 2024 release and tour. Read More>>

Sam Johnston

The pandemic was really tough on everyone. In Winter 2020, I was just about to sign with an agent, go on tour opening for a big blues artist, and gear up to record my big album. Once Covid shut the world down, the tour got cancelled, the agents stopped responding, and it felt like I was right back to square one. While it was a really tough time, I ended up getting to really hone into producing, recording, and finding my true voice as an artist. I don’t know if that would’ve happened without Covid. Read More>>

Ashley Hodges

I received my Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Belmont University in 2011 following a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee. My career began as the physical therapist for the touring Broadway production of Billy Elliot the Musical. Growing up as a competitive dancer, this was an ideal position for me. Read More>>

Cole Bradford

So I did – my brother sat with me every single day on YouTube until we figured out a few chords and learned how to strum a guitar. I’ve always been a singer and a writer – I sang in church, sang in chorus throughout middle and high school, and have always enjoyed writing poetry. In the grand scheme of things, I’ve been chasing this dream since 2020, and I’m really excited to continue writing songs and releasing my own music, and see where this thing goes. Read More>>

Marleigh Ginas

My parents then decided to put me into the youth symphony orchestra, which then led to changes of schools for more musical opportunity. At the same time I was a competitive, traveling, club soccer player. I have so many memories showing up to rehearsals and auditions covered in dirt in my soccer uniform, you could say I was a pretty busy child. Read More>>

Anne Armstrong

As my son grew, I wanted to spend time with him ,having adventures. But days were long and by the time dinner was cooked and bath was done, there was little time left for adventures. I decided to build a brand of toys and tools designed to help busy families , like mine, create adventures and make memories, I wanted to provide those same,meaningful experiences I created in the classroom, for families. Our products are all about little adventures and tools to turn those adventures into memories. Read More>>

Madeline Lee & Bonnie Morgan

Time management is a challenge, as we balance our weekly meetings with our day jobs. Although our events are enjoyable, they require extensive behind-the-scenes work—organizing venues, securing sponsors, running marketing campaigns, and handling other logistics often means late nights and early mornings. Read More>>

Cri’shon Thompson

I’ve also grown as a model and now extended into music videos and print modeling and not just runway. I’ve gotten to work with amazing artists like Lee Brice, Kameron Marlowe, Maverick City Music, Kirk Franklin, Ella Langley, Phil Wickham and so many others! I plan to continue to grow as a creator and musical artist and pave the way to open doors for so many more to come behind me ! Read More>>

Candace Gibson

In 2019, while working at a brokerage firm in Cincinnati, a friend shared her success with HOTWORX, but unfortunately, there wasn’t a convenient location nearby. When I moved back to Charlotte towards the end of 2019, I found the closest studio and became a member. Before long, I convinced my mom to join me for a session. The relief she experienced from her chronic pain was so significant that it motivated her to open her own HOTWORX location. In 2021, we invested in the franchise, moved to Nashville, and established our own studio! Read More>>

Shea Carter

I think anytime you move to a new place you are going to be met with some challenges. Culturally Tennessee is very different from growing up in Southern California but I have found that the more you experience the more accepting and understanding you become. If you allow yourself embrace something knew, be curious about it. It will have the power to change you for the better. Read More>>

Karen Moreland

My love for photography started in early childhood, but I didn’t pick up a camera professionally until 2013, soon after my first child was born. I was eager to learn everything I could about photography but the most valuable thing I learned to photograph was my children. How quickly I’d come to realize the importance of capturing all the little details when they’re young. Now, all those early photos are priceless to me. Read More>>

Jennifer Elizabeth

Growing up music was my outlet and helped me through challenging times. Whether I was feeling was feeling down, excited, melancholic, or happy, there always seemed to be an appropriate song for each mood; something that serve as a needed distraction or a enchantment to an already delightful day. Regardless of the occasion, it was often country music in particular that I would turn to. Read More>>

Caleb (with Josh And Bekah) Liechty

Once Covid ended, we knew we wanted to keep this band thing going as a career – we moved into a band house in the nearby city of South Bend. We auditioned for The Voice on a whim, never expecting to even make the show. As we won the season, our dad’s health continued to fail. We returned from LA in December and Dad died a month later Read More>>

Stephanie/margaret Hull/beagle

After building a classroom community they loved, they decided they wanted to bring that same community feel to a school of their own. Montessori schools are typically unaffordable and inaccessible to a multitude of families. They wanted to change that. Their mission is to bring Montessori to all families, regardless of income. Sage Montessori School of Nashville has adopted a tiered tuition model allowing families to pay based on income. Sage also accepts CCAP for families who qualify. Our goal is to provide an inclusive, diverse community that is welcoming to all families. Read More>>

Jay Lawrence

Our artist needed help during that time to figure out ways to make money since they couldn’t do shows and they needed someone to talk to for support during that time as well. During that time we learned that a lot of these artist didn’t understand the music business and we were able to help educate them on the level that their on to understand where they careers lacked. Read More>>

Cheyanne Parkans

It has been a roller coaster. There’s good months and bad months as well as accomplishments and failures. Part of starting a business and career is pushing through the bad times where I wasn’t getting as many shoots as I’d like or when I was lacking creativity. Thankfully I’ve had the support of my friends and family along the way who push me to be better every day. Read More>>

Wilkes London

Graduated hs then went to tsu, flunked out, was strictly hustling about 2 years before some legal woes then decided to make transition to music. Came home enrolled at Nashville St CC (*songwriting class), dropped 1st tape July 2014, was on radio the following month (less than a year from jail release). Starlito hops on Mo’ Betta couple months after, just been riding that wave and grinding independently since. Read More>>

Carrie Eaton

My pursuits led me to becoming an entrepreneur, but it wasn’t an easy road to figure out what my path was. Sometimes, it seems like people have an innate sense of knowing what they’re destined to do. Me? No clue. I knew I had talents, and I knew I was ready to start my own business, but I didn’t have an idea of what that looked like for *me*. So instead of waiting for inspiration to fall in my lap, I dedicated a full year of my free time to researching and discovering how to create this path for myself. Little did I know that opportunities would start to unfold in ways I didn’t think were possible! Read More>>

Christopher Bevans

Before starting my company, I worked in various fields, including warehousing, caregiving, operating forklifts, and even working as an electrician. But I knew there was more to life, and I wanted to push beyond the status quo. I thrive on ambition, believing that success isn’t something external it’s within you. Who I am has always been inside me; I just had to bring it out. Read More>>

Gabrielle Austin

With three years of experience as a licensed massage therapist, my journey into the world of healing took a transformative turn just before Covid. At an event in Atlanta, I witnessed a chair massage practitioner whose spiritual attunement to the body was nothing short of mesmerizing. Inspired by her profound connection, I pursued certifications during the pandemic, including Yoni steams, and was encouraged to seek licensure to fully embrace my vision of holistic healing Read More>>

Monica Silacci

I’m a master hairstylist and colorist with over a decade of experience, recently making the move from California to Tennessee. My specialty is luxury hair care, where I focus on creating flawless lived-in color, balayage, and expert color corrections, all personalized to enhance each client’s individual style. Read More>>

Jonathan Spriggs

Bringing that energy and excellence out of the kids always made me happy to go to rehearsal and work with the 10 kids I had in the drumline and front ensemble. Now in my second year of teaching percussion for James Lawson Highschool, I now have 15 percussionists to help mold and grow for their futures as musician. I hope they have the opportunity to feel the joy of passing on what they have been taught just as I passed on what I was taught. Read More>>

Demetrea “demi” C.

My name is Demetrea but I go by Demi! I’m originally from Long Beach, Ca partially raised in Vidalia, Ga. I am a natural hair and beauty influencer and digital content creator. I started my journey and transition to wearing my natural hair back in 2013. It wasn’t until around 2017 that I took it seriously and did research on how to maintain the overall health of my own hair. From trying different products and techniques to posting reviews with pictures and videos it brought me where I am today. Read More>>

Daniel Benson

It has definitely been very difficult. Lack of financial resources, losing a few friends to suicide, losing my dad to an accident, losing my niece, tough jobs that require a lot of my effort has definitely been challenging. Especially when I’m a college student as well pursuing my Master’s degree. But God has still kept me resilient and blessed me with good-hearted people around me. I’ve also had good mentors to help give me guidance despite the difficulties. Read More>>


Gone With The West

Mary Kaye and Micki had met previously at an IWMA (International Western Music Association) event and had collaborated on a few projects. Micki brought Mary Kay (MK) in for some harmony vocals on her upcoming album, Westbound. Mary Kay’s husband, Gary Holt, president of the IWMA-TN chapter, arranged a meet-n-greet pickin’ potluck for the members, and that’s where MK and Micki met Tecia and Merna. Read More>>

Brooke Garwood

Sun Child’s debut EP, “Everything,” was recorded with Patrick Taylor of Trash Panda in his home studio. At the time, Garwood was a solo artist who had just moved back to the beaches from Charleston, South Carolina, where she was a part of several folk projects. The goal of her “coming out project” was to convey a fuller and more distinct sound compared to older tracks like “Elephants” and “Can’t Move,” released under different identities. Read More>>

Michael Petillo

I thought I had a fairly normal life growing up in Chicago, but everything I knew flipped completely upside down when I turned 10. For the next 12 years of my life, there was some sort of traumatic experience or tragedy every few months. My dad had been arrested and convicted for dealing cocaine, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and later pancreatic cancer, I had multiple family members abusing various substances with 2 of my cousins overdosing from heroin and passing away, my mom and I were forced to move multiple times while my dad was away, it felt like was never going to stop.  Read More>>

Tuentitz King

so my father heard the tracks and hooked me up with a producer from the UK CALLED “UnBeats” this man form the UK sent me 25 beats and the next day i sent Him 25 songs . He told me he was is shocked he never heard of anybody making music that quick and especially different styles of music and flows all at once . He taught me to never send people my music with out copy righting at 1st . Since then i been Making music since non stop . Read More>>

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